

I so appreciate you finding your way here. May our association help both of us dive deeper into the healing currents of love's presence.

Let's begin with two songs of mine, Teach Me How To Love, and It Takes Courage. They will get you in the mood....

1. http://ia700404.us.archive.org/10/items/TeachMeHowToLove_725/01TeachMeHowToLove.mp3

2. http://ia700400.us.archive.org/4/items/ItTakesCourage/08ItTakesCourage.mp3

(sample more at www.scottsongs.com)

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

In Case You Are Not Over It (The Election Results)

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly."

-Richard Bach, Illusions

Hey, in case you are still processing the results of the most recent US election, in case you are not over it, neither am I.

Please don’t get over it, fellow human with a heart in your chest.  

Treasure your trembling.

Your quivering heart beats the drum of your sacred vulnerability. 

Sentient beings accustomed to feeling sentient things are shitting sentient bricks right now.  
Feel the ground shaking? Not just in your belly, but across the globe? 

It’s earthquake time.

Massive shake ups precedes massive wake ups.

"It takes great learning to understand that all things, events, encounters and circumstances are helpful.”

 -A Course in Miracles

Earthquake tremors are here by divine appointment, shaking us loose from old beliefs that no longer serve.

Like the belief that one person in an oval office can have power over you and your life.

That's outdated software.

A president does not preside over your consciousness, nor your creations.
You are in the drivers seat. Perhaps you've been asleep at the wheel, but events like this are designed so that large numbers of people can wake up and drive more consciously.

Not to talk you out of being shaken up.

DONALD TRUMP is our next president. It's HUGE!

If an extra terrestrial race comes to visit us in the next four years, Donald might have a hefty hand at representing humanity and negotiating deals. Perhaps he will make Planet Earth great again. 

I hope you are laughing. Or crying. I'm doing both.


America has had cancer, stage 4, for quite some time.
Washington is clogged and riddled with corruption, gridlocked and unable to move forward and get up to speed with humanity's evolution. Energy is not circulating. 

Obama, whom I consider to be one of the most emotionally intelligent and spiritually evolved Presidents ever to hold office, did his best to address the cancer with the equivalent of healthy eating and gentle cleansing herbs, but a different kind of medicine is needed to wake up mass consciousness. 

Obama's maturity and gentleness, God bless him, is not for stage 4.

Donald is aggressive chemotherapy. From his kind of leadership there will be quite a fallout, and not just our hair.

During these four years of treatment we are going to need to support our immune system, and especially build it back up when the radioactive orange man has exited the body politic. 

You and I are cells in humanity's immune system. 

That is why despair is not an option. Don't indulge. You are needed. 

Come as you are, and follow your passion. You will be put to task.

  Please Don't Polarize

I was raised to be true blue state liberal/democrat, the kind of person who would disdain Donald Trump and all the people who voted for him. 

That’s my upbringing. But is it my highest truth?

Ghandi was once asked if he was a Hindu. 

“Yes I am", he proclaimed. "I am also a Muslim, Christian, a Buddhist and a Jew.” 
I’d like to say, “I am a democrat, republican, green, white, black, hispanic, middle class, first class, coach class, liberal, conservative, progressive, feminist, gay, straight, redneck and transgender.  I am all of these things and none of them."

It is so easy to dig your heels into some kind of attitude that polarizes you. The North Pole and the South Pole are the areas of the planet that are the most isolated and frigid, and so becomes your heart when you perceive yourself as separate and superior to those who vote or think differently than you. 

Please don't polarize.

Labels and ideologies divide us.  

Walk a mile in the other's shoes instead.

Perhaps it’s time for a red, white, and blue hat that says, Make America Whole Again.

Could it be that this election leads to a global crisis, one that is so epic that it compels us to unify in response to it?

Like in the recent movie Arrival, where visitors from outer space forced the competing nations of the earth to rise above what's petty and work harmoniously together?

Could our nation's biggest narcissist end up being a servant to humanity in spite of himself, an Agent Orange for Good?

And how can you and I be helpful?

How can we light candles and stay away from cursing the darkness? Here's two tips, for starters.

1. Be a witness.

2. Don't watch the news.

In 1985 there was a movie called Witness.

Harrison Ford plays a policeman who has to hide out in Amish country to protect an Amish boy who witnesses a corrupt police officer murder someone. 

The bad cop seeks to silence (kill) the boy.

Eventually he finds the farm where they are hiding, capturing the boy and disarming Harrison Ford. Things look pretty bleak.

But Harrison Ford had alerted the entire town, and the corrupt cop, about to do the dirty deed, finds himself surrounded by a hundred peaceful Amish.

They circle around, holding space, observing without reacting. 

But the power they yield is intense, and palpable. The police officer looks around him. Peaceful people with piercing gazes are shining light upon the evil he is about to carry out.

He breaks down and falls to his knees. There is too much witnessing presence for him to go through with it.  Harrison Ford takes his gun away, and arrests him. The boy is saved.

Many of us have been in training for many years to be witnesses. 

It's time to amp it up and circle together.

Some of us will be called to play a more active role; marches on Washington, boycotts, protest songs, peaceful resistance, joining  with the momentum that is just getting started at Standing Rock. 

For those of you inspired to a political arena, Michael Moore’s Facebook Page is a great resource to connect and be informed. 

Adversity Brings Out Such Amazing Things

Although I was just a boy,  I remember Vietnam. I remember the excitement of the social and political revolution brought about by the need to stand up to Richard Nixon and the hypocrisy of the Vietnam War. 

The music, art, comedy and culture that was born from those times still thrills me today.

Can you open your mind to the possibility that the Trump years can be thrilling? 

It's all about what you bring to the table.

It's all about where you choose to focus, and what you do with your precious energy. 

As always, there are but two choices. Lying down or taking a stand. Lighting a candle or cursing the darkness. Fear or love.

Depression and despair are signs you are lying down, curling up into a little ball of ain't it awful, listening to your ego's interpretations, drinking in the cool aid offered by mainstream media. 

Ah, The Media

The news industry is not in the business of keeping your informed. 

It's in the profit based business of keeping you afraid.

If it bleeds it leads.  

Fear sells.

And so we watch, transfixed.

Sure, it's captivating. You are being held captive.

If you must watch, witness yourself while you watch.

Witness how shallow your breathing is. Witness how you barely move when watching or reading.

I do not have a TV. A few days a week I tune into the headlines from Stephen Colbert and a few others comic luminaries. I get enough. And it goes down easy with laughter.

If I catch myself starting to get negative about all the negativity, I turn it off, and work on my attitude.

I take a temporary time-out from YouTube, Facebook, and anything else that my ego is using to keep me afraid in the name of staying informed.

I am inviting you to join me in freeing your mind from the toxic media.

The news is addictive, processed and packaged junk food.

Just say no.

So, to summarize, it looks like Donald Trump is going to be President. Don’t get over it. Do let it move you, accelerate you, shake you, and wake you.

It’s all for the best, but to see it that way takes a leap of faith.

I’ve taken that leap. I'm holding the vision.

And I welcome you to borrow my eyes, temporarily, until you allow your own inner optometrist to adjust your lenses to the clear vision of optimism.

"You are not a realist unless you believe in miracles" 

-Anwar Sadat

I don't do this attitudinal and emotional work all by myself. I have a weekly coaching session with someone who helps me tremendously.

And I, in turn, am a coach and guide for others.  

If you are sensing you can use some help surfing the changes, coping with the holidays, or finding your higher ground while the earth shakes, shoot me an email (scott@scottsongs.com) or give me a call (415-755-8140). 

I'd be honored to assist.

Scott Grace creates some of the most amazing gifts you can possible give, Song Portraits, which  deeply and sweetly honor and appreciate your loved ones in personalized songs.

Being Grateful for Donald Trump - A Thanksgiving Message

There is something I want to call myself out on:  the tendency to see people who did not vote the way I did as the opposition. Us versus them thinking...

When I think that way I am spreading divisiveness. 

I am right and they are wrong.

There plenty of that going around these days, fires of righteousness burning high, which is a way of avoiding having to face and feel grief and disappointment.

I don't want to fan those flames.

I want to be putting out fires instead, by choosing out of the us versus them mentality.

Two articles and a video helped me shift that over the weekend.

The articles helped me have empathy for those who voted differently.

And that brought me some peace.

The articles are somewhat intellectual. The helped me give deep thought to it all. And that’s been nourishing for me.

I've needed some contemplation and understanding.

Feel like you can use some too?

Here’s the first one, offering wisdom about why Trump got elected…

How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind

The second one is about Bringing Empathy into our Politics

And the third is a video by spiritual teacher, Matt Kahn. He gave the talk a few days after the election. I’ve watched it twice, and will continue to watch it. I absorb through repetition.

It's a very positive spin on what is happening.

Please be sure not to watch while multi-tasking, driving, or operating heavy machinery!

Here it is:  The End Of the Old Paradigm

And now, my thanksgiving message...

Being Grateful for Donald Trump


I have been experimenting with being grateful for things my ego judges as shitty.

Like being grateful for 'negative' emotions.

When I am feeling angry,  I am learning to be grateful for how passionate I feel, and how, when I channel my anger towards what want instead of what I don’t want, how my anger can lead to motivation and constructive action. When I’m fired up, I have so much energy at my disposal. I breathe deeper. I’m lucky to be able to feel all that passion.  YAY ANGER!

When I am feeling sad, I can be grateful for my tears as a cleansing agent, the way rain nourishes and replenishes the earth. Sadness opens my heart. I have more compassion for my fellow humans. Sadness is also a form of surrender. It is letting go of being stuck in my head.  Thank you sadness!

Gratitude for fear? Why not! Fear is like my psyche’s military. When I am scared, I can be grateful there is a part of me that is looking out for me. There have been many times in my life fear was an appropriate response and saved my butt. Thank you fear for always being on the lookout for danger. You are here to protect and serve me. I am grateful for your service.

Now, onto the graduate course in Gratitude University.

Can I be grateful for Donald Trump!?!

Recently I asked my spirit guides for help in seeing him differently. 

They blew my mind by saying that they think he is the perfect president for this moment in time.

They offered me this metaphor from my own life:

When I started doing cleanses once a year twenty years ago, I used herbs that I now consider unnecessarily harsh, much too harsh for my body’s present needs. But at that time my system was so clogged it needed dynamite to blast things open and get things flowing again.

My colon in particular was pretty full of shit.

Kind of like Washington D.C. has been for a very long time.

The herbs I used back then I would not use long term, but they did blast the dam and got the river flowing again, thank Goodness.

Now, in my annual ten day cleanse, (which I’ll be doing January 1st though the 10th if anyone might like to join me), the detoxification is much more gentle. I don’t need dynamite. I don’t get headaches, diarrhea, and lose sleep like I did the first few cleanses.

Donald, according to my guides, is America's first cleanse. He is going to shake everything up, and that is what is needed at this time. They say gentler, more positive cleansing agents will soon follow, and they did not see him as President for long…four years ....or less. 

But they said we will look back at the part he played and be grateful. His ego may be in it for the limelight, but the Bigger Picture of our Evolution, sometimes called The Divine Plan, will use him, ego and all, for a greater purpose.

Today's shit, tomorrow's fertilizer.

So I give thanks in advance for the cleanse that is about to happen, Donald and his staff of toxic, abrasive herbs. I give thanks for the vast numbers of people who will get fired up and involved in our political process. Occupy Wall Street was small potatoes compared to what is about to happen.


And... Happy Thanksgiving!

Scott Grace creates personal song portraits as gifts to honor those you love, living or deceased. Check out samples at www.scottsongs.com. Email him at info@scottsongs.com if you have someone in mind you would like to honor.

"Thanks again for my son Alex's Song Portrait. He asks to listen to it nearly every night since you recorded it for us a year ago, and it helps him go to sleep at bedtime feeling special. You have an amazing talent."

-A Happy Customer


Monday, December 12, 2016

Scott's Grace-Filled Cleanse - Resetting Your Body, Mind and Spirit for 2019

  We start on Tuesday, January 1st and go for a full ten days.

There are three things for you to do to get in on the cleanse. 

1. Pay me $60.  I'll be available by phone, Facetime and text, (415) 755 8140,  email - scott@scottsongs.com and Facebook to support you during this cleanse. Your money is your way of saying thank you for my time, leadership, and expertise.

Here are three ways to do that in order of preference:

A) With PayPal, send the money to scott@scottsongs.com via Family and Friends.I like it cause it is instant and I get to keep all of it.

B) Make a check out to Scott Grace and snail mail it to me at Scott Grace, 162 Forrest Avenue, Fairfax, CA, 94930. The moment the check is in the mail you are you are in!

C) Send me your credit card info via email. If you send it in three separate emails it will be secure.  I'll need your name as it appears on the card, your numbers, exp date, zip code, and three numbers on the back of the card. 

Or you can call me at 414 755 8140 with your credit card info.

2.  Click Here to Join Our Facebook Page

This is where we will be sharing tips and joining in on mutual support.

3.  Buy the products. These are products I have researched thoroughly, and have taken for years. I have also discussed them with a medical intuitive that I have used since 1990 and made sure he agreed that these products not only get the job done, but make a great combination for whole body cleansing.

Here are the products we will be taking.

Click on each of the links and they will take you to and where to get them on Amazon.

1. Essiactive Tea Capsules - The cleansing dosage is one capsule first thing in the morning and one before bedtime with a full glass of water. Empty stomach is most effective, but not mandatory. Look up Essiac Tea on a search engine and its reputation as a cancer fighter, cleansing tonic, and immune system booster. (Not that anyone is making medical claims, God forbid!)

This is a whole body cleansing formula, and it works with cleansing the blood and virtually every organ. but for some reason is does not excel when it comes to addressing the colon, which for most of us, needs major attention.

Which brings us to:

2. Super Colon Cleanse:   Two of these twice a day with full glasses of water.

3. HealthPlus Colon Cleanse:   Five of these twice a day with lots of water.

 Why do we take two different colon cleansing products? I council with a medical intuitive that suggests it. Also, the same company makes them both and suggests that they work well together.

4.  Take three teaspoons a day of Alkalize and Detox Green Superfood 

 It's not the greatest tasting green superfood mix out there, but it is the best one for a cleanse. People often feel so fantastic towards the tail end and after this cleanse that they ask me which of the products are appropriate to take very day? This one is it. I take two heaping teaspoons of this in my smoothie or with lots of water every day of my life.

5. Purchase and follow the directions of Enyzmatic Therapy's Whole Body Cleanse with Probiotics

This may seem like overdoing it on the herbs and cleansing ingredients, but this combination comes highly recommended by my guides, and I've been using these products for years with great success. every year I ask them if I should mix them up and every year they say nope, stick to these products.

Here are other things that are important during a cleanse.
A) LIQUIDATE YOUR ASSETS: Besides taking those five products religiously for ten days, a cleanse is supported by drinking an annoying amount of water. You know, the kind of liquidating that makes you have to go to the bathroom a few times an hour.

Let your water be filtered, spring or distilled. Not tap, unless it's well water. You can mix lemon in it for taste and added alkalinity.  Doing a cleanse without drinking lots of water is like doing laundry with some great detergent but not enough water. The herbs don't do their job if there isn’t sufficient water to flush things out with.

Herbal tea is fine, especially 

B) Exercise But Don't Run Marathons

 Brisk walks, stretching, and yoga are better than lifting weights or running long distances. Err on the side of Yin over Yang.

C) Foods To Avoid For Ten Days

Coffee, any kind of caffeine, alcohol, white flour, gluten, white rice, lots of grains, bread, desserts in general, pizza, muffins, croissants, cheese, red meat (some organic chicken, turkey and healthy cold water fish is OK), anything processed (if it comes in a package, or if your grandmother would not recognize it as food, it’s processed), non-fermented soy (miso and tempe are fine, tofu not so good), fried foods, wheat and sugar. 

D) Go Organic, as much as you can stand. 

E) Perfection Not Required

Screw ups are part of the process, not signs that you have failed. 

If you slip, forgive yourself and get back on the horse.

F) Go Alkaline.  We are all overly acidic. Cleansing is leaning towards the alkalinity of things. If you are unsure of something, Google whether it is acid or alkaline. Lemon, by the way, is acidic but turns alkaline in your body. One of my favorite things to drink during a cleanse is lemon water. So simple, so tasty. Add some stevie and you have lemonade.

More Tips

I really want to emphasize that wheat and sugar are best to be avoided. Don't buy all these expensive cleansing products and then not follow a cleansing diet. Yes, you can do it! Just ten days, and then you can go back to your comforts, if they still call you!

Ideally, the only sugar you will consume for ten days will be from fresh fruit (not dried).

Whether you are gluten intolerant, gluten sensitive, or don’t have any idea what gluten is or isn’t, it is a good idea to avoid gluten during a cleanse. At it's best, it makes your digestive system work hard to process, and this is about taking a rest.

Avoid pasta. Contrary to a TV commercial, pasta is not hand picked from trees, it is processed in a factory.

Generally speaking, grains are not great for a cleanse, but if you can't conceive of life without them...

Brown rice is better than white, as it has fiber. White is stripped of it.

Even better grains would be quinoa, which is actually a seed, millet, and amaranth. These are all gluten free. Quinoa is high in protein.

About Protein

Although not mandatory, cleansing is a good time to lighten up on protein.

Beans, seeds, nuts, and lentils are good protein sources.

Whey protein powder is fine.

For meat eaters that can't conceive of a change, some organic poultry and fish is fine.

Fermented soy is fine, like miso or tempeh.

(Sugar free) yogurt and organic eggs are OK if you crave dairy. 

But Jeez Louise, Please No Cheese! And avoid pork and beef, please.


Soups with lots of veggies.


Fruits and Veggies!

(Fruits and veggies are your bread and butter during a cleanse.) 

Avocado is such a healthy fat

Hummus and guacamole are great snack dips for veggies.

Coconut oil is great. So many uses. Stick to that if you must use oil to cook. (But try avoiding cooking with oil for ten days.) 

Hungry? Sometimes I take a tablespoon of coconut oil into my mouth just to curb hunger.

Wanna snack? Try these:

Fresh fruit. A banana with almond butter on it. In general, stock up on veggies like chopped celery and carrots around and dip them in nut butters (except peanut butter) guac and hummus.

I love making popcorn with coconut oil and Himalayan Crystal Salt?!? 

Organic almonds and pistachios, any kind of nuts make a great snack.

More tips and wisdom will be up on the Facebook Page in response to your questions. 

And please post what is working for you.

Put my number in your phone. You can call or text me with questions or when you are in a moment of weakness and need a moment of support.

I'm at 415 755 8140

Happy Cleansing!

With Joy,
Scott Grace
